Random Coolness Crush Week continues..Random Coolness Week, you ask? This week I am crushing on those unique & creative ladies that offer something special and not very often seen. No way to group them with others, so I am devoting a random chick week to these fabulous and interesting women.
ten23 Tuesday. Clever Crush 44/365: Lauren, ten23 Designs
Lauren is a vinyl rockstar. She designs and creates beautiful, unique vinyl decals for home, business and event decor. These decals are unique, of the highest quality and they provide amazing presentation. She creates the most original personalized dance floor decals for weddings and events. She can design a decal logo for your wedding or party-if you can think of it, she can make it:). Way cool. She also offers smaller scale vinyl designs-perfect for home and gift giving. Lauren is funny, sweet and supportive. She is charming and extremely talented. Totally crushing on the Decal Diva:)
Fascinating facts about Lauren:)
• favorite color? PURPLE... which is what made me lurk you on Twitter... so glad I did.
• favorite team? My FAMILY team... we rock! However my favorite sports team is the Florida Gators! I bleed orange & blue!
• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Meatballs... didn't even have to think about it.
• party trend you are crushing on? Cake pops and cupcake toppers
• party trend you are so over? Hmm... I'd have to say confetti. I do not care for the mess.
• favorite aisle in the craft store? The scrapbooking aisle. I love the paper, and punches and accessories, oh my!
• do you wear Uggs? The only Uggs I wear is the "Ugg face" when I see something horrid... like people wearing them in the summer and you KNOW there feet are soooo hot! (I think it's a bit warm in Florida usually for them, maybe when it get's really cold I will.
• do you really exercise? I exercise my creative juices on a daily basis.
• minivan or non minivan driving? Non minivan driving
• favorite holiday? 4th of July
• favorite smell? Fresh baked anything tasty... MmmMmm good!!!
• do you color your hair? No... however my daughter got a crayon stuck in it the other day. Does that count?
• do you think you’re cool? Cool as a cucumber.