Crushing on the Queen of Colored Twine: Nicole, The Twinery
Colored baker's twine rocks my world. Colored baker's twine has taken the party and crafting world by storm. The Twinery is the go to place for gorgeous, quality cotton baker's twine. I am a member of the Twine Design Team, but was a Twinery lova way before then. Nicole is the rock star and brilliant mastermind behind the business. She is clever, creative and seriously crafty. She is a packaging freak-which I love and adore. She blogs about ideas and inspiration for using twine. Nicole is funny, sunny and amazing. Total crushing on Her Royal Twineness.
Fascinating facts about Nicole:)
1. Fave Color: Red. Any shade. Crimson, cranberry, cherry...even orange-y shades. Yeah...kinda makes me think I'm crushin' on Orange a little bit too. I'm a recovering Pink lover as well...I'm in the 12 step program.
2. Fave Team: I will make my husband proud...the Kansas City Chiefs. be honest, I like the team with the handsome men and the nice looking uniforms/jerseys (no matter the sport) - ha!
3. One food for the rest of my life: Cheesecake. Period.
4. Party Trend I'm Crushing on: Donuts. Yes, there I said it. I'm in love with donuts...still love the cupcakes...but I love the donuts. Cupcakes + donuts = insane bliss. Oh about tying up EVERYTHING in twine too! :) If there's a way to add some glitter to that mix, I'd be all over it.
5. Party Trend I'm So Over: Cheapy party favors. I would be so boring for the kids not to get party favors...but what about making them at the party?! A fun craft, DIY cupcakes or cookies...there's just something fun about 'creating' what you can take home! Avoid the urge to fill up bags with dollar store's hard, I know...especially when they 'go with the theme'! :)
6. Favorite Aisle in the Craft Store: The Martha Stewart Crafts aisle. I's probably so cliche. But that woman (and her craft creating army) creates some amazing things. I get my fix by shopping in HER aisle.
7. Do you wear Uggs: Nope. Am I the only one? Maybe I should invest in a pair :)
8. Do I really exercise: Umm...I'm starting tomorrow. Promise.
9. Minivan or Non-Minivan: Currently...I'm a non-minivan driver. And I even have little ones! GASP. And I kinda love it! Not really planning on taking the leap any time soon. :)
10. Favorite Holiday: Today: Halloween...Tomorrow: Christmas. It really depends on which store's holiday decorations gets my attention. My daughter's birthday is the day before Halloween, so we tend to go overboard in that department...but once love for the color RED has me swooning over all things Christmas!
11. Favorite Smell: The Yankee Candle Store (yes, the entire store...I mean, seriously...have you walked in there?!!?)....or the waft of deliciousness when walking in to Starbucks. It's another toss up.
12. Do I color my hair: Are there women out there that don't? This time of the year, I'm sportin' a more Autumn-ish 'do' with warm shades of brown, auburn and the answer would be YES. Why, yes I do.
13. Do I think I'm cool: For sure! And so does everyone else...right? RIGHT?!! Just don't ask my kids...or any member of my family or close friends...they might lie.

just loved getting to know Nicole even better!
Awesome crush, especially since my Twinery package was delivered yesterday so I'm still walking around in a twine induced trance ; )
Whoo Hoo! Soooo love The Twinery and soooo love Nicole!
Nicole is my favorite! I love the title you gave her "Her Twineness" clever!! I adored getting to know this member of the royal family better:)
she seems totally cool! Don't really know her but she has been on my radar! =)
Love your Crush posts :)
So fun to learn more about the people in our twitter, fb, blog life. lol
Happy Tuesday!
love this feature & getting to know Nicole better :)
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