Through this journey, I was able to get to know so many of you in a way I would never have otherwise. My experiment was designed to showcase everyone as a relatable individual and let the world know a little bit more about all of these amazing women behind their computer screens. Crushing knows no fan or liker count-it is about the person..not the fan club.
Pug Crushing has seriously changed my life. I cannot describe how it actually feels to make someone else feel valued, special and happy with no strings attached. The feedback I have gotten is astounding. The same, simple questions answered by the super star bloggers and the newbies makes everyone more relatable and connected.
That all being said, crushing is quite time consuming. I spend up to an hour each day on the feature and I can no longer keep the pace. My business will be moving in a new direction and I have a bunch of shiny, new excitng projects I have been working on that I will share in the upcoming months.
I have crushed on every sweet chick from around the world to return their q&a. I thank them from the bottom of my glittery heart for answering the questions and for allowing me to shine the spotlight on them. I hope my readers have gotten to know some of their favorites in a different light and I hope I have introduced you to many new and extraordinary women.
As my last crush...I will crush on myself. Could I be any more conceited? LOL. I will answer those very same questions we have all grown to love and adore.
Thank you again for all the support. This was an amazing journey. An experiment that changed my life and I hope you enjoyed the ride.

the purple pug crush of the day
{365 days of creative coolness}
13 questions because that’s way more interesting than 10
• favorite color? grayish purple
• favorite team? J-E-T-S
• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Black raspberry jelly donuts or a Cinnabon with a side of pizza.
• party trend you are crushing on? Real parties~on a smaller scale~designed with love. Handmade everything. Yarn. Fabric. Old school charm. Creativity. Glitter.
• party trend you are so over? Precision balanced dessert tables-snooze. Labeling every single item on every single table..LOL.. Silhouette drawings of kids creep me out. Curling ribbon.
• favorite aisle in the craft store? Glitter. Paper. Ribbon. Yarn. Wait-every single aisle-except the picture frame ones and the stencil aisles..I pass those up..LOL.
• do you wear Uggs? Negative.
• do you really exercise? See answer above.
• minivan or non minivan driving? Pugs need more swagger than a Minivan provides.
• favorite holiday? Valentine's Day. I love love.
• favorite smell? Applejack and Peel. And, in my heart forever, the smell of my baby boys, fresh out of the bath-clean little curly hair and a little bit of Baby Magic. Heaven.
• do you color your hair? Totally.
• do you think you’re cool? HOLLA!