hopping down the bunny trail...

fluffy bunny cottontail
cupcake toppers
Take a peeky at the fluffy little toppers I designed for my son's first grade Spring Party tomorrow. I had a few tough moments where I thought I might faint-due to lack of glitter on this design-but I think persevered and I they turned out insanely cute. Let's hope I don't ruin all this cuteness with dry or burnt cupcakes...Please send good cupcake vibes:) Mama can't cook....
These are super cute!!
Those are adorable! You did a great job!
Oh my goodness! SO cute!!! Did you use a bunny stamp? If so....I need one!
Thank you ladies! I will post pics in a bit of the finished product. They were a big hit witht he first graders:)
Tricia~not a stamp, I drew the bunny shape with my mouse..LOL! I am sure you could find a very simple stamp that would work too...
These are adorable!
Thanks, Ashley. They were definitely a hit with the little dudes:)
Love the fluffy cotton tails!
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