Monday, February 28, 2011

The Rockin' & Royal Frog Prince Paper Princess. Shut the door, it's 104 {Paula, Frog Prince Paperie}

Welcome to the Banging Back from Vacation Crush Week. This week is going to be filled with some serious shine. I will also be crushing in a more short & sweet fashion.

Kicking it off with 104: Paula, Frog Prince Paperie

Paula is the brilliant and seriously talented super star behind Frog Prince Paperie. She designs fresh and unique printable partyware. She has original signature style and I can spot her work from a mile away. Paula also has ridiculous party styling skills. Incredibly talented in the party presentation department. Paula is sweet, funny & sunny. Totally crushing on this magical super star.


Fascinating Paula trivia:)

• favorite color? Tiffany blue - paired with froggy green!

• favorite team? I root for Virginia Tech on game days until my college starts playing with the big boys. ;)

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Chocolate.

• party trend you are crushing on? I so love the handmade parties I am seeing around, and how those parties are getting away from being all about cartoon characters. It really lets people get creative with the details when they don't have a box to think inside of!

• party trend you are so over? I don't think I'm "over" any trend...but I'd love to see more healthy ideas that are still fun for birthdays on party tables

• favorite aisle in the craft store? Martha's aisle/papers

• do you wear Uggs? Nope. I'm in central Florida - I wear flip flops 10 months out of the year. I don't think there are even a pair of boots in my closet anymore...

• do you really exercise? I do some mean curls with my paper cutter. That counts, right?

• minivan or non minivan driving? I'm still holding out as a non-minivan driver

• favorite holiday? Halloween!

• favorite smell? Fresh baked goods mingled with fresh brewed coffee.

• do you color your hair? After 15 years of coloring my hair, I recently discovered I am actually a brunette. :)

• do you think you’re cool? My kids think I am, and that's good enough for me!


  1. I just love Paula! She's so down to earth but has so much talent! My kind of gal!

  2. ADORE Paula! She is so sweet and supportive of her other party girls and ridiculously talented to boot!

  3. Great crush! I'm definitely in agreement with trying to get healthy foods on the table as well. I still try to get at least one or two healthy things in for most parties!

  4. My favorite {Party Girl} ever! I crush her daily! So excited to see her here!

  5. Oh I love Paula not only because we share the same name :) but she is one fabulously talented lady!! I consider her a "cyber" friend and am excited to see her as one of your crushes! WHOOT WHOOT


  6. Yeah for Paula! Love her and her crafty style.

  7. Congrats on the Pug Love! The Ugg question always cracks me up. Sadly, I had to do a Google search the first time I saw it to see what they were. LOL

  8. Paula rocks. One of my favorite designers.

  9. Thanks, y'all! You know how to make a girl feel loved!!!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)