Sunday, February 27, 2011


Cleaning out a closet today and stumbled upon a memory box from my younger son's First Birthday. I cannot believe this little chimp is going to be SIX!
His First Birthday was a baby cowboy & horse theme-held at a Harness Racing Museum. Such a special memory for so many reasons.

I usually give out a small party favor for the adults in addition to the kids. I know, I know, but it is just something I do for a very special reason..

For this party, we gave a Lucky Horseshoe to each family that attended-to bring good luck and love from our sweet Baby Cowboy. These special horseshoes still hang in the homes of our friends and family. Beyond special.

 sweet sentiment in vellum

kind of politically correct way
to dish out bubblegum cigs:)


  1. The lucky horseshoe favor is awesome and packaged so nicely, love it. Might have to steal that one :) The cigs are adorable too.

  2. What a LUCKY little chimp you have!!!
    Love the lights too :)

  3. Hey Kristy! Great favors! Would you possibly be willing to share more of your son's birthday party? My little guy's birthday party is in a few weeks and I am planning a cowboy theme as well. I'd love to have some more ideas!

  4. I didn't think I could love you more, but the candy cigarettes sent me over the top.


pugs love comments. and glitter:)