Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pug Crush Besties Week in full force! 23/365 {Courtney, Pizzazzerie}

Welcome to the Tuesday edition of the Pug Crush-Besties Gone Wild. Yesterday I featured 22/365, Jen {Blush Printables} and today, I am featuring her online bestie-The girl behind the business that everyone thinks has something to do with PIZZA, the fabulous Courtney, founder of {Pizzazzerie}. That's with 4 "z"s party people.

Courtney seriously digs entertaining. Loves to throw together inspiring photo shoots and stylish parties for any occasion you can imagine. She also loves to share her knowledge to help you entertain in style.

She is creative, clever and just may be the hardest working girl in the universe. She is also a social media wonder. Girlfriend seems to be on Twitter 24/7..LOL!
Courtney's website, Pizzazzerie, just had a makeover and relauched yesterday. Go take a peek. It looks clean, fresh and beautiful is full of entertaining inspiration and resources.

Courtney often collaborates with other party chicks. One of her besties is Jen, Blush Printables. They plot, plan, scheme and work on spectacular parties together. They are funny and sunny together. And they are best of friends. Crushing hard on this party loving pair of brilliant besties.

{dreamers} a Martha Stewart Doer of the Week:)

Fascinating Courtney Trivia:

• favorite color? GREEN!

• favorite team? Vanderbilt Commodores :)

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cake

• party trend you are crushing on? Anything hanging (mini chandeliers, little lanterns, whatever, if it's hanging, I like it)

• party trend you are so over? cupcake toppers (eek did I just say that out loud? I like them, and so do most people not in the "party world" but I just see them a lot, that's all)

• favorite aisle in the craft store? ribbon

• do you wear Uggs? I own them but rarely wear them, they did come in handy when a squirrel fell down my chimney and was running around my house though. As if I was going to go barefoot during that fiasco.

• do you really exercise? Rarely. That is going to change soon (I mean it!)

• minivan or non minivan driving? Oh NON Minivan Driving!

• favorite holiday? Christmas

• favorite smell? Lavender Vanilla

• do you color your hair? I have never put color in my hair, everyone thinks I'm nuts.

• do you think you’re cool? Duh. Hahaha, no but I must be at least a teeny bit cool to get to be interviewed by you!


  1. It goes without saying that I adore Courtney! She's kind, funny, and I admire her work ethic. GREAT choice for crush of the day!

  2. I've had a crush on this girl for months, so I'm glad you finally caught up to speed Kristy!

    Just kidding.

    Courtney is super amazing, though, and I'm so glad she's my bestie!!

  3. A Super Kool Chic with both "pizza" and "pizzazz" in her company's name...how could you not love her?!? I always enjoy her Tweets and sunny disposition!

    My little purple friend, you're at 342 and counting! Yay for you!

  4. Besties Gone Wild..LOL!! Kristy your too much..LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new website Courtney!! Jen and Courtney are two very cool chicks : )

  5. I adore Courtney and all her Pizzaz! Love it when I see her and Jen work together! Two very talented & sweet ladies!

  6. Courtney is the bomb!!! She is so cute and perky and I love her sweet Southern accent! Hooray for Pizzazzerie!

  7. Courtney is still my idol for making the transition to her business FT! The new Pizzazzerie website looks fantastic! Great crush!


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