Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sweet & Spectacular Saturday. The Fabulous 127 {Juanita, Juanita's Sweet Cakes}

Sweet & Spectacular 127: Juanita, Juanita's Sweet Cakes

Juanita is a brilliant baker. Her creations are astounding and beautiful. She designs custom cakes and baked goods for any occasion. Her portfolio of work is gorgeous. Juanita is sweet, friendly and charming. Total Saturday crushing on this brilliant baker.

Fascinating Juanita facts:)

• favorite color? baby blue

• favorite team? My son and I :)

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? That's easy...cheese pizza

• party trend you are crushing on? Can I pick 2 trends? Ok.....I love unique and original party themes as opposed to the commercial party themes you may find in a party store aisle...I especially love vintage themes and any themes that involve the color pink lol. I also love creative party invitations...I especially love Party Box Design and Fresh Chick Design Studio invitations. Their invitations make you want to come to the party!

• party trend you are so over? As mentioned above, commercial party themes. I think party themes should have a personal touch and reflect the indivdual.

• favorite aisle in the craft store? cake decorating aisle

• do you wear Uggs? Uggs = Ugh! So the answer is No I don't wear them

• do you really exercise? Yes at least 3x a week

• minivan or non minivan driving? Non minivan

• favorite holiday? Thanksgiving, I love to have an excuse to pig out

• favorite smell? anything tropical

• do you color your hair? no

• do you think you’re cool? Uhh not so much and neither does my 9yr old

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