Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tweedle Dee Tuesday. Party Chick & Brilliant Baker. 118 {Brandi, Tweedle Dee Designs}

The dazzling 118: Brandi, Tweedle Dee Designs

Brandi is the creative force behind Tweedle Dee Designs. She brings Fairy Tales to life:) She designs beautiful printable partyware for every occasion. Her work features clean lines and gorgeous, fun designs. Brandi is also a ridiculously talented baker. She is always testing out interesting new recipes and ideas. I have seen the stuff she whips up in the kitchen and am in awe of her talent. Amazing. Brandi is sweet, sunny and charming. Totally Tweedle Tuesday Crushing:)


Fascinating facts about Brandi:)

1. fave color? Pink

2. fave team? Arizona State Sun Devils, Go Devils!!!

3. food you oculd eat forever? Mac and Cheese, hands down

4. party trend you are crushing on? I love all of the mini desserts that have been popping up

5. party trend you are so over? I don't think I've seen anything I don't like

6. fave aisle in craft store? The baking aisle, I have a bit of a cupcake liner obsession

7. do you wear uggs? Only in the winter, it's too hot in Arizona

8. do you realy exercis? No, and I have no excuse

9. minivan or non-minivan driving? Non minivan driving

10. fave holiday? Christmas

11. fave smell? Most dessert scented candles, I love the vanilla cupcake and sugar cookie from Yankee Candles

12. do you color your hair? Not yet, but I've been finding a few more gray hairs, I definitely see it in my future

13. do you think you're cool? Is this is a trick question? Of course I'm cool :)


pugs love comments. and glitter:)