Sunday, March 13, 2011

Set Free Sunday. Seriously Sweet 116 {Stacy, Set Free Photography}

Welcome to the Seriously Amazing Stacy Sunday Edition of the Pug Crush.

Sweet 116: Stacy, Set Free Photography

Stacy is an extraordinary photographer. She is the definition of  gifted. My number one client introduced me to Stacy and I was instantly and totally in love with her and her astounding work. Stacy just takes the most beautiful photographs I have ever seen. She has the eye to capture the littlest of details, emotions, love and beauty. I simply adore the photos of the babies and kids. Breathtaking. Very special. Stacy is sweet, clever, charming and gifted. She is a gracious and a beautiful person. Totally, ridiculously and epically crushing on the chick with the camera.


Fascinating facts about Stacy:)

• favorite color? Always changing ...just getting over an orange episode.

• favorite team? Team Edward! Hahaha

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Tie between sushi and pizza from back home (Chicago suburbs)--Sanfratellos's will change your life!

• party trend you are crushing on? I love love love macarons lately, especially at weddings!

• party trend you are so over? Can't think of one!

• favorite aisle in the craft store? Baking section...can't get enough polka dot cupcake liners!

• do you wear Uggs? no, I am too short to pull them off. Plus, I live in Florida!

• do you really exercise? I recently starting running outside and I love it! I actually run with a smile on my face!

• minivan or non minivan driving? Ex-minivan driver.

• favorite holiday? Thanksgiving

• favorite smell? I love the fresh air smell on my kids when they come in from playing outside.

• do you color your hair? You betcha!

• do you think you’re cool? The older I get, the cooler I get.

1 comment:

  1. I love my pug and my Stacy!!! They are my two faVorite peeps EVA!!!!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)