Friday, January 7, 2011

Fun. Fabulous. Fo. Super fine 79. Fo Friday {Jackie, Jackie Fo}

Welcome to Fo Friday.

Crushing on the fierce and fab Fo. 79/365: {Jackie, Jackie Fo}

Jackie sparkles. She is a unique event planner with original ideas and extraordinary style. Jackie also offers custom party packages. She blogs about all things entertaining, parties, event planning, cookie, baking ad fun. Jackie is ridiculously hilarious. She is quick witted, clever and charming. She makes me laugh..out..loud..She is also is one of the quickest email repliers I have ever met..LOL! Crushing on this sunny and funny chick. FO sure. Come one, you that's funny.


*Jackie is too cool FO facebook. We all need to work on her and get her over there..Mwahahahahaha

Fascinating FO Facts:)

• favorite color?

Is it okay that I don't have one?! I like certain color combinations - anything brown/green (my wedding colors), teal/red, metallics... the list is endless.

• favorite team?
Being a NJ born girl, I will have to say the Yankees.... I also like the Carolina Panthers now that I am a NC transplant. The Panthers are really horrid this year, it's getting painful to watch.

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pasta. Any kind. Fettuccine, Spaghetti, Ravioli, Mac&Cheese (not really pasta, and my Italian grandparents would NOT approve, but whatev). Pasta is heaven and if I ate it for every meal, I would be a) sleepy and b) huge. But I would be way happy.

• party trend you are crushing on?
I like the "natural, rustic" look. Branches, twigs, etc. It's funny, because for my own wedding, I had a "no branch" rule. I didn't want branches in flowers arrangements or any natural type stuff. Isn't it funny how your tastes change?

• party trend you are so over?
Woodland creatures. I am aware this is a type of natural theme, so I am sort of contradicting myself... I think the parties have been so great and creative with the woodland creatures, red/white mushroom caps, but I am OVER IT! No more squirrels!

• favorite aisle in the craft store?
Ribbon, Scrapbook paper and $1 bin. This isn't a question, but my least favorite aisle has to be fake florals. Not cool.

• do you wear Uggs?
I am so glad you asked this question. When I was in college (Miami University of Ohio -- what what), all the girls had Uggs. I needed these furry, warm boots for walking to class/bars ha. But I did NOT want Uggs because every girl and her mother had these boots... So, to be different, I ordered Minnetonka Moccasins. Which look exactly like uggs, but aren't. And 6 years later, I pull those bad boys out every winter. In fact, I wore them to the grocery store today. They are in my list of favorite possessions, and I am pleased to say they are NOT Uggs (but they look like them).

• do you really exercise?
So, I am a big phase person. One of my goals in life is to be a constant workout person (i.e. get up everyday at 5:30 and work out 5 days a week.) What actually happens is that I work out for a month straight and am totally gung ho. Then I go out of town or get off my routine, and it takes me about 3 months to get back into it. It's terrible, I don't know what to do.

• minivan or non minivan driving?
Well, I don't have kids, so at the moment no. I will say, when I was younger, we didn't have a minivan and I begged my mom to get one because all my friends moms had them. (She didn't.)

• favorite holiday?
I will be cliche and say Christmas, but I enjoy Thanksgiving as sometimes it's on my birthday. Is my birthday a choice for favorite holiday?

• favorite smell?
Something delicious baking in the oven.

• do you color your hair?
Nope. I did in college... went lighter and darker. One time the hairdresser went crazy and when I asked for auburn, it turned out purple. That was unfortunate.

• do you think you’re cool?
Yea! I think I'm a good time for sure! I think it's important to know your good qualities but also know what you need to work on. Recognizing your flaws and positives is super healthy, and I am proud to say I think I'm cool! (If there was a flaw question, I could kill that one too)


  1. It's so cool that I am the first one to comment on my own crush of the day...NERD ALERT! Thanks Kristy... a few things... I know, I know about facebook...and also, I pride myself for being a fast email responder. you aren't so bad yourself missy. thanks thanks thanks and have a GREAT WEEKEND!

  2. SO fun to get to know Jackie better!!! I am totally the same way about working out LOL



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