Monday, December 6, 2010

Kicking off Team Player Week. Crushing on 50/365 {Maureen, Anders Ruff}

Welcome to Maureen Monday...

Kicking off the Pug Crush Team Playa week.  Nasty, sourpuss, selfish party bullies are out. Creative partnerships RULE! And Team Anders Ruff just may rule the party world.

Kicking it off with Crush 50/365: Maureen, Anders Ruff

From their bloggy bio: Maureen (the Anders part) Adria (the Ruff part) were complete strangers until a preschool open house. In the hallway before parting, they realized that they had a lot in common - the love of all things paper, parties, design and art. From there a wonderful friendship formed and they decided to embark upon a business together! Both devoted and passionate about graphic design, they hoped to change the face of celebration style for those who love it as well.

Maureen is creative, amazing and is as cool as they come. Unique and original designs. Stylist extraordinaire. A true and talented team player. Half of the dynamic duo known as Anders Ruff who are taking over the party world and, perhaps, the universe. Totally crushing on the awesome Anders chick.


Fascinating Maureen trivia:

• favorite color? Blue - almost any shade.

• favorite team? Team Anders Ruff! To be honest, I don't even follow sports. In college, I'd go to Michigan games just so that I could hang out w/ my friends - I never paid a lick of attention to what was actually going on. However, if I had to choose a team it would be the Duke Blue Devils (husband follows his team religiously so I am grandfathered into the obsession, I suppose) I guess University of Michigan, since I do have love for my alma mater and Ann Arbor is my FAV.

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pomegranates (and Salt and Vinegar Potato chips - gotta balance the sweet and salty)

• party trend you are crushing on? Personalized everything (Favor tags, place cards, banners, food labels....)

• party trend you are so over? Favor Bags that = Bag o'Junk

• favorite aisle in the craft store? Wrapping and packaging, scrapbook section, baking... holiday. Basically the whole store except for beads. Not a fan of beads.

• do you wear Uggs? Nope

• do you really exercise? 2x/week minimum - Zumba, baby! Ok, I took a few days off when Adria and I were up til 3 am working on photoshoots. I crave zumba class! Great for mind and bod.

• minivan or non minivan driving? NON minivan. I can see the appeal for space with kids, but I just won't do it. I have an SUV but I'm a sedan kinda girl. I was determined to keep driving my Saab 9-3 when my son was born, until I realized the car seat literally wouldn't fit unless the driver seat was so close to the wheel that I would be driving granny style- and I have long legs so that was the end of that dream.

• favorite holiday? Christmas and Halloween

• favorite smell? Holiday cooking - Cinnamon, nutmeg, christmas cookies, pumpkin spices, mmm.

• do you color your hair? I have my hair stylist add in some blonde highlights to make it pop - my hair is blonde anyhow, but I love the fresh feel of blonde highlights!

• do you think you’re cool? Would you even want to interview us if we were NOT cool? Ha!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)