Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Crushing on the Queen of Cake 58/365 {Carrie, Half Baked-The Cake Blog}

Sweet Chick Crush Week in full effect. Crushing on the fine ladies with the sugar-cookies, cakes, candy, cakepops,  sugar cubes..all super sweet...

Crushing on sweet 58/365: Carrie, Half Baked-The Cake Blog

Carrie is a lover of all things cake. She designs cakes. She bakes cakes. She blogs about beautiful and extraordinary cakes and fresh entertaining ideas for every occasion. Carrie's amazing designs have been featured in about a million places. She has a ridiculous amount of talent.  Her blog is an online resource dedicated to modern cake design and event planning. Her blog provides gorgeous and unique inspiration for all things cake. Carrie is sweet, of course:), smart and kind. Totally crushing on the Charming Cake Girl:)


Fascinating facts about Carrie:)
favorite color? Grey. I'm completely obsessed with everything grey right now. Grey and pink. Grey and purple. Grey and yellow. Everything goes with grey!

favorite team? The Aggies. I'm a Texas A&M fan even when our team disappoints.

if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what be? You'd think that I would say cake but honestly I've already eaten a lifetime of cake! Now cookies are another story...

party trend you are crushing on? Paper pom-poms. LOVE them!

party trend you are so over? Striped paper straws. Cute but they are so over used!

favorite aisle in the craft store? The scrapbook paper aisle. I love looking even though I don't have much time for scrapbooking these days.

do you wear Uggs? No, but secretly want to!

do you really exercise? Yes, I have to. Refer to previous answer about a lifetime of cake!

minivan or non minivan driving? Non Minivan. I love my 4Runner.

favorite holiday? Christmas. Adore everything about it.

favorite smell? Anything baking in the oven...

do you color your hair? Nope, still sporting my natural light brown.

do you think you’re cool? I think this is a trick question... is there a right answer?


  1. Loved getting to know more about you Carrie! Cake is also up there for me...hummmm chocolate cake!!!!

  2. Have to agree- she's a pretty sweet chick!

  3. Awe - thanks Kristy! I'm blushing!!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)