Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Edition. The Pug crushes on the Pixie. 68/365 {Cassandra, Pixie Chicago}

Serious Stationery {with an "e"} Chick Week in full effect. These are the amazing designing girls that actually work with paper. Real, live, tangible finished products. Paper Chicks are few and far between in this printable dominated market. I am always thrilled to find the ladies that still offer unique, hand crafted paper goods.

Christmas Eve Crush 68/365: Cassandra, Pixie Chicago

Cassandra designs clean, crisp and beautiful stationery. In her words "Pixie is a Chicago based company specializing in unique, customized paper designs. In today's world, where everything is done on the web, it is important to remember how intimate and wonderful a thoughtful card or note
can be. Our goal is to bring back the personalized touch of a simple piece of mail, whether it be a handwritten thank you or an exquisitely crafted special occasion invitation." I could not agree more. Her work is unique, handcrafted and one-of-a-kind. I. am. in. love. Totally Crushing on creative, clever Cassandra:)


Fascinating Facts about Cassandra:)

• favorite color? Green

• favorite team? Chicago Cubs

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza!

• party trend you are crushing on? Cupcakes instead of cake, loving the single serving, and easy for people to take home.

• party trend you are so over? singing happy birthday

• favorite aisle in the craft store? Paper

• do you wear Uggs? Yes, I have 3 pairs

• do you really exercise? 3Xs a week, and I hate every minute. lol

• minivan or non minivan driving? NEVER minivan

• favorite holiday? Christmas

• favorite smell? Lavender

• do you color your hair? Yes, I am a blonde...i think.

• do you think you’re cool? haha! hell yea!

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