Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tiny Tuesday. The Pug Crushes on the Giraffe. 37/365 {Amy, Tiny Giraffe)

Animal Week in full effect...Tiny Terrific Tuesday-crushing on Tiny Giraffe.

Crush 37/365: Amy, Tiny Giraffe

Amy is the creative force behind the Tiny Giraffe. I call her Baby Block Girl. Her genius specialty is creating whimsical wooden blocks for beautiful little babies and tots. She can create any color palette or unique design. These fabulous blocks are eco-friendly, non-toxic and ridiculously adorable. And...ummm... featured in People Magazine along with a hundred other way cool places! Beautiful for gifts, photo shoots and room decor. Amy is unbelievably creative and her work simply shines. The Pug is totally crushing on the Giraffe.


Fascinating Amy facts:

• favorite color? Green and pink because they're perfect together.

• favorite team? I have to say the OSU Buckeyes. I grew up in Columbus and there really isn't a choice. ;)

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ice cream, for sure!

• party trend you are crushing on? Dessert on a stick. Seems to be all the rage and I'm loving it. Though, the portion size is a bit small for my taste.

• party trend you are so over? Little plastic junk toys as party favors.

• favorite aisle in the craft store? Paper. Oh, paper.

• do you wear Uggs? Nope

do you really exercise? Depends on when you ask

• minivan or non minivan driving? NON

• favorite holiday? Halloween & Christmas, I just love October through December.

• favorite smell? Freshly brewed coffee = my motivation in the morning!

• do you color your hair? No, but starting to think it's time

• do you think you’re cool? Most of the time ;)


  1. What a fun interview! I love Amy - she is cool all of the time.

    Off to check out your other crushes. :)

  2. Amy is fabulous!! Love her blocks (amazing!)

  3. Thanks for the intro to another Super Kool Chic!

    328 is a "tiny" number compared to 365! Go lil' pug!


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