Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thoughts on 30 Days of Pug Crushing....

30 days of Glittery Pug Crushes down in the history books. It has been an amazing month on so many levels.

My little "experiment in nice" has touched so many people in so many different ways. The response has been overwhelming and so positive. I am astounded by the feeling of connection it has given me to so many of my friends, peers and heroes.

I can tell you that most people are honored and excited to be featured on this 365 project. I think most people are genuinely happy and grateful for an opportunity to give a little glimpse into the actual person behind the businesses, blogs, shops, tweets and comments. I am over the moon each time a completed q&a hits my inbox. I love to read what everyone is all about and thinking...I am lovestruck by how funny and totally honest the answers are.

I am an equal opportunity crusher. I adore the big time party girls and bloggers for giving me the time of day and for being so gracious to answer my crazy questions. And they are crazy questions..LOL. I also chose these questions for very specific reasons. We can all relate to them. If you are a big time party girl-you know it, and by letting little old me feature you shows true character and class...

I also proudly crush on the new girls, with even one follower,  because they are just as important in the experiment in nice as someone who has 10,000 fans. Every single one of us was "the new girl" at one time and knows how hard it is to get a chance to shine. I will never understand these sourpuss party people who threaten, harass and try to stop other people from pursuing their dreams. And I cannot figure out those that do not respond to emails, or to comments or questions from their readers and fans. Totally lame. And, trust me, everyone is hip to this ridiculous behavior. Playing nice on the party playground is so much sweeter.

I have 335 days left to continue this "experiment in nice." I have so many more extraordinary people for you to meet and crush on with me.

If you would like to be crushed on or would like to nominate someone, just give me a secret sign:)

I thank each and every one of you fabulous chicks for participating in this project and for your sweet & encouraging words. The positive vibe and support I have been receiving is remarkable.

Keep Calm and Pug Crush On...Come on, you know that is WAY funny:)


  1. Totally agree with you! Loving your 365 days of nice and am so very grateful to have been 17/365! :) I also think the sourpuss girls are party poopers on your little experiment and don't deserve to be featured on this purple, glittery fabulousness that is your blog! :)

  2. Awww Kristy this is why I ADORE you!! You experiment in nice..worked out nicely for me (wink wink)..I love reading your post everyday..look forward to another 335 days..THANK YOU! I agree with Wendy, those SOURPUSSES (lol) do not deserve the PUG LOVE..keep up the great work..makes me smile daily : )

  3. Thank YOU for bringing us along on this adventure! My day isn't complete without a purple crush!

    oxoxoxox from this lil' piggy!

  4. I might not leave a comment every day, but I love that you post them on facebook so I remember to stop by and check out the day's crush. Many of them have been new to me and I love a new find! You are fab on so many levels!!

  5. proud to be number 2.
    crush on Puggy. CRUSH ON!:)

  6. It is really fun to see what people say - for example; who knew people would admit to wearing ugg boots?! Funny! I'm sure we all feel that we are getting to know others better, making new friends, and even better witnessing all the creative talent that contributes to this wonderful industry.

  7. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them and had a good laugh or two! Look forward to seeing more and meeting new talent.

  8. Aw what a nice post! I enjoy reading them as much as you enjoy writing them : )

    I agree with everything you said!

  9. Pugsy, this is another brilliant idea of yours, and helped bring party gals together, in my view!

    Loved the questions, and answers and helped to remind the world that party people are happy people, and it's only a few spoil sports that throw a tantrum in the sand pit! :D

    Keep on crushing!!!

  10. Love what you are doing and love the insight on others!

  11. Love your positive ideas and love to read your posts as much as you enjoy them. Honored to be a "pug crush". It didn't only make my morning it made my week!! You are so inspirational and love how positive you stay! Thank you for being YOU and putting a smile across my face daily. Hugs!!

  12. I have loved every day of your 365 day experiment so far. I love reading the answers. There has been more than one time when someone has provided a response that I would have never thought of. I look forward to seeing the other 335 days and meeting some other fantastic party girls!

  13. You are just the sweetest! I love reading your crush posts everyday and learning more about the people I already "know" and love, and meeting new party peeps as well.

  14. Thank you so much for this amazing idea. It is so nice to learn about the face behind the name. I have LOVED "getting to know" all the people you have crushed on so far and can't wait to read about who is coming up in the next 335 days. Being the new girl, I have to say, it is a breathe of fresh air to find someone who appreciates the new guys. Answering emails and just encouraging responses mean the world! THANKS PUG!!!

  15. Thanks for doing your Pug Crushes...love reading about everyone and I'm grateful that you chose me to be one of them, too! :)

    PS: Even though I'm in the neighborhood for a new car, I am STILL not getting a mini!

  16. I love reading about all the women you crush on. Your support of all of us is wonderful! xoxo Jillian

  17. LOVE this... I'm definately a "new" girl and even getting a msg from you on CPN put me OVER the moon with excitement. Me? A chance to be featured on someone's blog?! WaHOO! Hehe.

    Keep doing what you're doing... nice girls don't always finish last ;)


pugs love comments. and glitter:)