Thursday, November 4, 2010

Serious Grape Pug Crush 18/365 {Cari, Socially Circled}

Socially Circled

Rainy day here in New York-need a ray of sunshine-and here she is!

Crush 18/365: Cari, Socially Circled

Cari is totally my kind of party girl. She is clever, crafty and is always coming up with unique ideas and themes to incorporate into her raves. She loves a creative challenge. Girlfriend just had a perfume bar at one of her parties. LOL! Love that. Cari also has created a fabulous signature item-the custom table drop. Ummm..Genius:) I also think Cari is one of the funniest, smartest and most charming chicks I have ever encounted. And she sews..She is an extraordinary event planner & designer and is taking the party world by storm. Trust me . Ginormous Grape Pug Crush.


Fascinating Cari Trivia:

• favorite color? any shade of blue...Robin's Egg, Slate, Carolina...the list goes on!

• favorite team? Other than the East Side CPN....Oklahoma Sooners!

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Peanut Butter

• party trend you are crushing on? anything that is out of the ordinary and completely unique!

• party trend you are so over? Generic parties with no thought.
• favorite aisle in the craft store? Fabric

• do you wear Uggs? YES! I have 3 pairs and I love them! I do think they are 'Ugg' as in UGLY, but nothing feels greater in the winter!

• do you really exercise? Yes! I have to do it's my form of xanax! I do power & hot yoga and I run.

• minivan or non minivan driving? Nope, SUV, but never say 'never'!

• favorite holiday? Thanksgiving...yummy food, family and no major expectations.

• favorite smell? my son's skin after a bath...I could eat him up!

• do you color your hair? I could tune in Tokyo via foil on my head every 6 weeks!

• do you think you’re cool? yeah, most of the time, I actually do! : )

Thanks, Kristy! xoxo


  1. cari is great and looooove the tune in tokyo!!!

    my fave is her camp party!!!! love it!

  2. cari is awesome! love the golfer party she did!

  3. Love Cari! She is a ray of sunshine : )

  4. Just met Cari and think she is amazingly talented!

    My very own table topper is being shipped! So excited:)

  5. Wow what a great blog!! She has some fabulous ideas on there...too much to look at right now I'm going to have to come back to it :)

  6. Super Kool Chic Number 18! Loved the camp party, too!

    Only 347 Grape Crushes to go! {Mmm...I could go for a Grape Crush right now!}


pugs love comments. and glitter:)