Saturday, November 13, 2010

International Week of Pug Crushes begins 27/365 {Laura, Brilliant Bash}

Howdy. I am kicking off an "International Week" of Pug Crushes. Before I started blogging, I had no idea how many serious party chicks there are all around the world. There are a lot of them-in every country..And a ridiculous amount of creativity and talent. I love to meet new & interesting  party peeps around the world. Serious party love is universal-We all speak party..LOL! Come on, that is way funny!

Canadian Crush 27/365: Laura, Brilliant Bash

Laura is incredibly creative & clever. She is an event enthusiast that deeply appreciates the fine art of the party. Her blog provides daily entertaining inspiration, and tons of eye candy. She also is the owner of an amazing online shop-featuring on-trend party supplies, decor and essentials for top party possibilities. Perfect place to shop for the current party trends and unique items. Laura also plays for the East. Woot! She is sweet, brilliant and gracious. And she loves nachos..Way cool. I am totally crushing on this charming Canadian party girl.


Fascinating Laura Trivia:

• favorite color? Red

• favorite team? I don't follow sports at all, so my favourite team would likely be the judges' panel on America's Next Top Model!

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Nachos

• party trend you are crushing on? I love dessert parties and all of the pretty, tasty possibilities that come along with them. I also find that most party/entertaining trends are dessert-related (whoopie pies, doughnuts, macarons, cake pops, etc.), so a dessert party is a great way to try multiple trends at once.

• party trend you are so over? Labeling every single item on a refreshment table is an unnecessary waste of time and paper. I think label cards look fabulous on refreshment spreads, but really only need to be used when it isn't obvious what the food or flavour of the food is.

• favorite aisle in the craft store? Ribbons

• do you wear Uggs? Definitely not! Uggglyyy!

• do you really exercise? I exercise in spurts, unfortunately. I love exercise classes and dance classes, but only go to about 10-20 a year. They're fun, and they're the only way to get me exercising for a full hour.

• minivan or non minivan driving? Public transit!

• favorite holiday? Hallowe'en

• favorite smell? Baking bread

• do you color your hair? I stopped colouring my hair about 11 years ago, and it has become much shinier and healthier as a result. Once I start going grey, I'll start colouring it again. Until then, I'll remain au natural. ;)

• do you think you’re cool? I don't think I'm cool, I KNOW I'm cool. hahahahaaaa


  1. O, Canada! Love the Super Kool Chic from the North! I have a fond affection for anything north of the border!

    {I lived in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan for a year!}

    I needed a vacation so thanks for the trip around the globe! Only 338 travel days left in the pug crush year!

  2. anyone who uses 'u' in favorite and color is cool in my book!!!

  3. Yay! Thanks for introducing us to this fab Canadian lady Kristy!

  4. Completely agree that things are over-labeled. It's getting silly, and I'm over it. Really, that's a macaron? And this is a lollipop? OMG, thank you for letting me know...


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