Friday, November 12, 2010

Fabulous Friday Pug Crush 26/365 {Tori, Thoughtfully Simple}

Ending the work week with a huge, glittery crush. It's Tori Time:)

Crush 26/365: Tori, Thoughtfully Simple

Tori blogs about all things entertaining. She offers, tips, tricks, DIY ideas and inspiration to make us look like modern party planning rockstars. I can always find tons of eye candy and fab ideas on her blog. She has serious entertaining expertise and she loves to share it:) Tori also styles beautiful parties of her own. She also is one of the community managers of The Daily Grommet=Fresh, unique finds.
Tori is definitely an inspiring chick and seriously fabulous. Total Tori Crush:)


Tori Trivia:)

favorite color? I always say red, yet I don't own any red clothing or items really. I tend to choose white for many things (boring, right?).

favorite team? Go Dodgers!

if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Wine! Oh wait, that's not a food.

party trend you are crushing on? I adore parties that start with one key inspiration from the guest of honor. Whether it be something they love, a photograph, a color, anything to make it more about "them."

party trend you are so over? Any that include crepe paper. I despise crepe paper.

favorite aisle in the craft store? The baking aisle. I was a cake decorator many moons ago and always like to revisit the lost era of butter-cream and sprinkles.

do you wear Uggs? I do.

do you really exercise? I love to run, it clears my head.

minivan or non minivan driving? Whatever gets my kids and all their "stuff" from point A to point B.

favorite holiday? I love any reason to decorate, but I do have a soft spot for Christmas.

favorite smell? Cotton/Fresh Linen smell

do you color your hair? Yes.

do you think you’re cool? Not even close. I am a huge dork, really (just ask my two girls).


  1. A purple crush is the perfect way to start my day! And...a Super Kool Chic to crush on! Simply fabulous!

    Happy Friday, Miss Pug! I think 339 is a lovely number to end the week with! {wink!}

  2. I heart you and your dislike of crepe paper... ;)
    yay! Hillarious answers my dear!

  3. Thanks for having me!! Honored to be today's Pug Crush :)

  4. Love Tori, and her site, so nice to see some Tori trivia! :)

  5. I LOVE TORI! She is so sweet and genuine and I am so happy to see her "crushed on". What a great post!!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)