Monday, November 15, 2010

Aussie Awesomeness, Pug Crush 29/365 {Amy, Giggleberry Creations}

We all speak the language of party. International Pug Crush week continues. I am totally loving it-so exotic! Featured some creative Canadians over weekend. Some fabulousness from Down Under today.

Totally crushing on 29/365: Amy, Giggleberry Creations

Amy is THE fabric bunting chick. She designs them, creates them and they are way beyond gorgeous. You have seen her work everywhere. Magazines, blogs, and showcases. Her talent is simply amazing. Each and every bunting is a whimsical & unique masterpiece. I thought I had a serious crush on Amy..Until last week..When she debuted her new Ribbon Garlands. Now I am deeply in love with her and her work-I lose sleep over the adorableness. She has created fabric and ribbon thunder from Down Under. She's extraordinary, she's sweet and she sews. Perfect Pug Crush:)


Fascinating Amy trivia:

• favorite color? Purple - nothing to do with the Purple Pug's preference, I swear ;)

• favorite team? If I had a time machine I would tell you whatever the name of my son's future soccer team is - he's 19 months old and can kick a ball better than me! Watch this space for the next soccer star - seriously he is a freak (in the most loving way I could mean that)!

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Homer Hudson Chocolate Rock ice cream - drooling now!

• party trend you are crushing on? Unique invitations. I am loving the fun and different ways I am seeing around the web that people are sending invites - no longer a piece of paper in an envelope. I've seen pool party info sent out in a plastic sand bucket, Fairy party info attached to little jars of fairy dust (glitter), and so many other super cute ideas.... so fun for the person receiving them!

• party trend you are so over? Circus themed - seems like it has been done, done and done!!

• favorite aisle in the craft store? Fabric, fabric, fabric - could spend hours, days, weeks, months fabric shopping!

• do you wear Uggs? Yes. I had to say goodbye to my mid-shin length ones last winter (boo hoo) I had worn them to death! But they are a winter must for me!

• do you really exercise? Believe it or not - yes, I do! I get up at 6am every week day morning and go for a 1/2 hr run. It gets the morning grumps out of me before the kids wake up (& let's me have the Homer Hudson ice cream I love so much)

• minivan or non minivan driving? Non. Not sure why... that was just my first response LOL

• favorite holiday? 5 week round the world trip that ended in NYC with hubby proposing (awwwww) offer me a ticket back to NYC any day and I'll dive at it!

• favorite smell? My babies straight after their bath's when they were newborns!!

• do you color your hair? Yup! Blonde foils all over.

• do you think you’re cool? Sometimes, but then my kids put me back in my place LOL


  1. um, LOVE this girl. Definitely have a crush on her now!!

  2. Oh love her bunting!! What a fun shop she has!!!

  3. LOVE the "fabric and ribbon thunder from Down Under" quote - put the giggle in Giggleberry today :) Thanks for the crush xxx

  4. I've had a crush on Amy for well over a year now! Her buntings are amazing (and so is she!) LOVE!

  5. I LOVE her HOLIDAY answer! I love calling a vacation...going on holiday! {giggle!} Super Kool Chic!

    You're amazing, Kristy! Only 336 to go! ;)


pugs love comments. and glitter:)