Thursday, October 7, 2010

There's no place like gnome...

I have been one busy pup this past month! The Launch of The Children's Party Network, The East v West Coast Tablescape Challenge,  fabulous orders, everyday life, etc..Busy and loving every second of it all...Nah, not really, but loving most of it:)

My baby boy started Kindergarten a few weeks ago. He is my little sunshine. Sweet, kind and adores his Mama. The boy comes home the other day from school and we get to talking...I can tell he is bothered by something at school..My mind is racing..Did he get into trouble? Is someone bothering? Does he miss me too much? I use all my persuasive Mama powers to pry it out of him..and he takes the bait and starts YELLING AT ME!  He is flippin' mad and screams "This house is like a prison! You never buy good snacks. I have to trade my stupid fruit snacks at lunch every day to Brendan. I trade him my fruit snacks for cheese balls. Why can't you ever buy cheese balls!?!" Say, what??

Ummm...My little sunshine had a storm cloud over his head that day..Hell hath no fury like a kindergartner scorned....Here are some Halloween pics of the cheese ball prince a few years back. Smiling despite me transforming him into a Garden Gnome...He will always be my sunny and funny little dude...

Gotta run to the supermarket now and buy you know what:)


  1. Absolutely HILARIOUS, I hope he gets to hear this cutie story when he's older and laugh hysterically :)

  2. How funny!! Those pictures are adorable!!
    Who knew cheese balls were the hot ticket these days??

  3. FACT: I LOVE GNOMES. I just miiiight have a small collection of garden gnomes LOL

    THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING and thank you for giving me the best idea for my (future) childs Halloween costume.

  4. I adore the garden gnome costume!! My baby boy started kindergarten this year, too! What a change I've seen in him already...both great and a little less than great! :)

  5. LOL, that's classic! :) I'm sure that'll be great blackmail when he's older!

  6. OMG Kristy! This cracked me up though I am sure you were not laughing when it happened. Oh I am in the throws of the terrible twos and looking for boarding school for the year!

  7. LOL!!!!! Kids are a trip but that's just too funny, I love it!!!

  8. HAHA!! That's the cutest costume!

  9. LOL. Now I don't EVER want Grey to go to school!!!

  10. Awww! He is a cutie...and as a garden gnome! :)


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