Sunday, September 19, 2010

the sunday edition news....

This past week has been a roller coaster of emotion for me.

Monday was simply one of the most difficult days of my life. I will do anything and everything for equal rights for my son. Period.

Tuesday was an exciting &  important day for my amazing web chick and friend-Amy. She is the mastermind behind my site design, Twitter Design, Facebook Pup, Etsy shop design, and all of my buttons, banners and most cool graphics you see on my web real estsate. She is the best in the west. She has launched a business for web design work, called 3 Cupcakes Design, and I wish her nothing but success and happiness always. If you have been contemplating a blog design or update or anything else, please check out her sweet skills:)

Wednesday was one of the best days of my life-ME-Martha Stewart's Doer of the Week. I am still astounded and so eternally grateful. The support from the party universe has been enormous and amazing. This is something that means the world to me. When people truly share in your happiness and success, it makes life all the sweeter. I will never forget those that showed such genuine support for me and my work.

Friday, I took my very sweet mother-in-law out and about to run errands and then to lunch. When we returned to my vehicle, for reasons unknown, said mother-in-law produced a bottle of Windsong perfume from her purse and proceeded to spray herself with it. In my car. With windows shut. Enough said about Friday.

Tonight is Children's Party Network Launch Eve. My dear friend, Nifty Natalie, of Little Shindigs, had a dream to start up a network for professional party people, party mamas and anyone in between to talk shop and inspiration for kids' parties. All kids and parties-all of the time. I am honored that Natalie has asked me to be a major contributor to this amazing venue. I will be featuring blog posts, parties, discussions and I have tons of secret stuff up my glittery sleeve:) There will be several other fabulous contributors as well and I am sure the network will be an inspiring resource for everyone. Just honored to be part of such an extraordinary network.

That's the all the news behind the Purple Curtain. Looking forward to another week of sparkling adventure:) Party on...


  1. Thanks Babe! Congrats on the new venture and the Doer of the week!!

  2. Isn't life crazy? Yours was a literal rollercoaster of ups and downs, but I hope you have more ups!

    I'm excited for Natalie's site launch, and can't wait to see what you two have in store!

  3. whew! What a week! many hugs! and my heart especially goes out to you on the windsong incident lol...and much congrats and you deserve it to all the good things!

    hugs! Kim @ Frost Me!

  4. Hope everything is okay with Griffin! I completely understand!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)