Friday, September 3, 2010

the rocket pop palooza....

 party mama made these amazing crayons.
*if you are in the NY Metro area, you
may find there are no crayons on store shelves. This
is NOT due to school supply issues. This is
solely due to Katie and the 1000s of crayons
it took to make one of these little gems;)
Craft on, Mama!

 glitter stickers shimmering in the sunshine

 party circles on a galvanzied tub
filled with radical rocket pops

 clay-could that be any cuter?

 centerpiece flags & party circles
for a little glitta

 bears gotta eat too

 rice krispie treats on popsicle sticks

 said client made that
 fabulous garland and banner.

 rocket pop soaps served as the
perfect party favor

 popsicle stick picture frames craft

 glitter stickers on favor bags

 see ya, summer!

One of my ridiculously amazing clients wanted to host one last party playdate for the kiddos before the summer was over. She discussed it with her darling children and they decided that a Rocket Pop Palooza was the only proper & perfect way for a summer send-off:) Lots of rocket pops. Lots of red, white and blue. Lots of charm. Lots of glitter. Lots of smiles. Perfect party, indeed.


pugs love comments. and glitter:)