Friday, August 27, 2010

my love crush on glitter stickers

each little donut sprinkle is hand glittered

As I get older, I wax nostalgic about my kidhood. I vividly remember a sticker collecting album phase. I had a big, bulky pleather photo album with a million stickers in it seperated by category-scratch and sniff stickers, liquid stickers, sparkly prism stickers, puffy stickers and Lisa Frank stickers...Oh, Lisa Frank, how I loved your stickers so. Anyhoo...sticker love is nothing new to me..Stickers just rule. I recently made an extraordinary improvement to my standard sticker design..Can you guess what it is? You are correct...

Hand glittered stickers are my latest and greatest addition to the glitter revolution. Off to call my mother now to see if she still has my sticker book in her attic. Sparkle on;)


  1. I agree! puffy stickers rock! I once traded a puffy garfield one on 8 pillow for 9 stickers in return... and that may be one of the only memories I have left of childhood rofl... p.s. LUV the donuts!

    hugs! Kim @
    party inspiration

  2. I had a collection of stickers too (and smelly erasers). Love all of them but my fave is the rocket pops!!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)