Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Party Begins...Super Grover guests come ready to rock!

the kids only buffet

nothing cuter than a miniature, kid height buffet

superhero mask making time

photo area
say "cheese"

in true diva form,
refused mask as it would mess up her hair

pin the nose on grover

pass the hot grover

masterpiece time

the artists hard at work

milk bar

ice cream buffet

party hats

make a wish super boy

the completed masterpieces

what a beautiful showcase
kids did a SUPER job

super grover adoption area

party shoes

rock candy tree

upcycled mini grover envelopes used as decor

super gavin's chapeau

This post features shots from the actual party. It was just so much fun-for everyone....
In case you missed the party set-up pics...you can take peeks here-- Part one, part two, part three.

Here is a little of the party play by play. If anyone wants to know how I made something or where I bought anything, just let me know!

Once the guests arrived, they assembled in the front living room and were given crayons and Super Grover coloring pages to start the festivities. That kind of killed time for all the guests to arrive and for the food to finish cooking.
The food was up next. Menu included dinosaur chicken nuggets, which were placed into the little paper baskets. Smiley fries, which were put into the handmade french fry boxes. Those were beyond adorable and that idea was planted in my party psycho brain by the lovely Kim, of the Frost Me bloggy. They were fun to make and I will definitely do them again. I also offered fresh apples in the shopping cart. I was surprised how many kids actually took them and ate them..LOL! I first saw the adorable bucket of apples idea on the fabulous Candace's blog, Candy and Cake. I also had ketchup in little serving cups. Super Gavin adores ketchup! Napkins and forks wrapped with a piece of yarn of course. White Grape Grover juice boxes in a little red wagon served as the kiddie signature drink.

The kids stood in the little lunch line, like perfect ladies and gentlemen, and got their food, drinks, utensils and of course ketchup in little cups:) It was adorable and they all loved it. They looked so grown up, ready for kindergarten and a real school lunch line:) I contemplated wearing a hairnet, but don't think many would have gotten it..LOL!

After lunch, some of the kids wanted to go outside. This was not on the timeline we had meticulously planned out, but, what the hay? It was the super kid's birthday and he wanted to brave the cold and go out-alrighty then...It was cold, but they went on the jungle gym and trampoline and ran around a bit...

The adults ate lunch in the other room at their leisure....some went outside...The men played basketball and I am sure they will all be sore for the rest of this week...Totally LOL!

When it was time to come in, we had the kids all line up behind Gavin in front of the door leading to the basement..The kids had zero idea what was down there or what was in store....I had them all chanting "We want Grover. We want Grover!" it was a wild melee...

Door opened and kids went down to see the magically transformed basement. One half was an art studio, the other half game centers and a disco...

The kids took their places at the art table and were instructed to decorate a super hero mask. They used markers & glittery stickers. Each child was also give a felt cape to run around in...

Once the masks were complete, the kids came with their mask and cape to the photo station. I used a cloud backdrop, an empty picture frame and had printed out each child's name to have their pictures taken. I initially wanted to use a Polaroid camera, but the film is non-existent and to track it down on ebay- hard and way expensive...So digital pics it was! The photos were so sweet and the kids just loved it!

Next up was pin the nose on Grover...All went well, except........in the wild party atmosphere...I totally forgot to give out the prizes to the winners...LOL! Shhhhhh.....

Next, I set out a large blanket and the kids sat in a circle and played Hot Grover (like hot potato) with a Grover Beanie Baby....

Now it was time for the main event...the Super Grover canvas painting..Kids all came back to the table and were given instruction by the artist known as Joie (like the boy's name, but a girl). Joie gave the kids instructions and they kids were on their way to make their little masterpieces....

I then went back upstairs and set up the ice cream buffet for the kids (same space as the lunch line). My mom and mother in law set up the adult desserts and coffee in the adult area.
I also set out the party hats and the rest of the party favors.

The kids finished up the art and came back up stairs to sing happy birthday and have dessert. I set Super Gavin on a small table with his cupcake (meant to put it on a dish, but, you know how it goes in the chaos of the actual party!) He sat at this little table with his party hat on, surrounded by his besties and family and looked like the happiest kid in the world. He felt so much love.

We sang to him, the kids made their ice cream sundaes and were over the moon! They played a little more and then they all started getting ready to leave..Gavin thanked his guests, gave out party favors and hugs. Each guest took one last picture on the front porch with their artwork.

Whirlwind of fun, love and excitement. One more post to go...the summary post...LOL!



  1. What an amazing job, Kristy! You are a true inspiration!!!



  2. you definitely set the bar INSANELY high for the rest of us! you out did yourself, total mad respect

    Kim @ Frost Me!

  3. Kristy, you did an outstanding job! Everything look so very fun & fabulous! love it!

  4. Wow, Kristy, this party is spectacular! So much detail and hard work. They must have been blown away!

  5. WOW is all I can say such a amazing party!!

  6. Aww..I love it! The photo booth is adorable as well! I love super Gavin's hat too! Wow!

  7. Thanks for all the Supa Party Love. So much fun to share the details.

  8. What you did was absolutely amazing!!! The attention to detail is incredible. Your son is a lucky little boy!

  9. I would love instructions on how to make the capes if you have any available! :)

  10. Hi Kristy! Beautiful party...I am wondering how you made the fry holders? I am working on a 50s Sock Hop party for a 8yrold and would to make those for the "diner"!


  11. Sweetest Harmony & Party Pretty Design
    Just email me directly adn I will gladly give you the deets/instructions:)

  12. The photo op was perfect and I love the adopt a Grover,super cute.

  13. What a great party! Where did you find the images for with Super Grover's face and the g with the lightning bolt that you used on the hanging garland and some of the containers on the food tables? I found so much inspiration from your party and can't wait to start on my son's 2nd birthday party! Thank You for sharing your awesome ideas!!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)