Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the ladybug rainbow arty partyware is complete

ladybug rainbow thank you notes

I recently completed the rest of the vibrant and glittery partyware for the Rainbowlicious Ladybug Arty Affair. I posted pics a little while ago of the Paint Can Party Favors and the Colorful Name Invitations. Everything turned out amazing and beyond cute. I was sad to ship it all off to it's party destination...I miss all the happy colors and rainbowliciousness:) Rainbows, ladybugs and little artists creating masterpieces may be the cutest-ever. Simply cannot wait to see this one...


  1. BEAUTIFUL!! I can't wait for this party! FABULICIOUS!

  2. Awwww so cute! Thank you cards are my fav!

    Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
    party inspiration

  3. Thank you! I find myself daydreaming about this party. Cannot wait for the pictures.

  4. That little lady bug is tooo CUTE! The thank you notes are a perfect touch.


pugs love comments. and glitter:)