Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It really IS Elmo's World

Elmo Cake Topper and Jar Labels

Choo Train Cake Topper and Cake Labels

The Elmo Train Palooza is about to pull into the station...Finishing up the last minute items to send to client 00J....Handmade Elmo & Train Cake Toppers and Jar & Decor Labels...The cake toppers are a little bit smaller than my standard Centerpiece Flags and will be added to my store soon!

This is going to be one spectacular party. I cannot wait for the pictures..Full steam ahead!


  1. So very cute... love the Elmo's World and choo choo.... :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Party is in a few weeks! Can't wait to see the complete extravaganza:)


pugs love comments. and glitter:)