Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Very Special Christmas Gift

Once in awhile you get a gift that is so amazing, you just have to share..This special gift was under my tree Christmas morning. Custom created for me-The Purple Pug- by the Head Monkey (who is also my sissy) of Monkey See Monkey Do Art Studio . Can't wait for my 2010 studio reorganization and design to showcase these dazzling pictures. Thanks JoJo-love you and your awe-inspiring arty talent.
I am in mad, passionate love with these canvases..or it is canvi? LOL!


  1. These are awesome! She painted these??! Wow!

  2. Thanks. Yes, she has quite the talent. She has her own art studio for lessons, parties and other exciting stuff. I wish she lived closer so we could partner up:)

  3. What a perfect gift. Your sister is so talented.


pugs love comments. and glitter:)