Wednesday, May 7, 2014

On Third Grade Chorus Concerts...

My Baby Chimp had his third grade chorus concert tonight. The kids have been preparing all year for this big night. He was so excited and could not stop talking about it all week. We arrived at the school this evening and waited in the gym for the big show to start. It was extremely hot in there. Beyond hot. There was no air conditioning nor any fans. Hundreds of parents, grandparents and kids. Towards the end of the concert my husband said he thought our son was gagging and swaying. I looked over at our beautiful boy just as he threw up all over himself and other kids on stage. Yes, he really did. In front of hundreds of people and his friends and classmates. I ran up to get him like a maniac. We took him to the bathroom to clean him up and calm him down. He was hysterical. Not because he was sick, but because he felt he ruined the concert for his friends, the music teacher and all the parents. He is golden.

If you follow along with me, you might know that my child has been going through some serious medical issues these past few months. Tonight was a night that he is like every other kid. Putting on a polo shirt and singing his heart out.

It is shameful that this is the school my son has to attend. Disgusting that there is no ac or ventilation in this gym. Deplorable that this was the school they chose to keep open. It is not even summer yet and it was pushing high 80-90 in that gym. I cannot say if that was the sole reason he got sick, but it was a major contributing factor.

I am so upset with myself for not just pulling him off the stage the second my husband saw him gagging.  Upset with myself for not making sure he was positioned on the end of his row.
I apologize to all of the kids, parents, grandparents and teachers if we ruined this once a year event. I am so deeply upset for any of the kids he got sick on. If anyone knows who they were, please text or message me so we can apologize.

My boy is crying himself to sleep tonight because he feels he ruined the evening for everyone. He is the most beautiful child, with the most beautiful soul. I am heartbroken for him tonight.
Being a mother in not always glam. Not always pretty. Tonight was ugly. But...I am happy. I am honored to be his Mama. He is my hero. He is the definition of kindness.

Be present. Even if it means being covered in puke.



  1. you have a beautiful heart, Kristy. Your son is going to be fine, because you are there for him.

  2. Oh Kristy! So very sorry that happened, tonight. I'm sure that no one is upset at you or your little love for him getting sick - something he couldn't help. Your poor little guy. Sending love, prayers, and hugs to you and him. And, also hope that your school situation will improve.

  3. My heart goes out to you and your son. Prayers for you, for a better tomorrow.

  4. I am so sorry that you and your family had to go through that. It is literally every parents worst nightmare. On the bright side your son can now say that he did what 99% of the worlds most talented performers have done at least once in their careers. That is the stuff that builds awesome character!! :)

  5. Kristy...this was so hard to read. I am so sorry for the tough night. I am sorry your boy is going through medical issues as well. I can imagine it taking a toll on you and this night did not help. But throughout all of this he thinks of others first! I am amazed by how graceful he is + how considerate for others he is--wow! You are a great momma and you are teaching him greatness. I am sending you pixie dust and hugs. xo


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