Saturday, March 16, 2013

On Lucky Leprechauns...

If you follow my Facebook page, you know I had the honor + joy of spending some time with my son's classroom on Thursday. I went in to do a St. Patrick's day craft with them and to simply enjoy these beautiful children an ordinary Thursday afternoon. It was special. Beyond.

These were my thoughts posted on Facebook:

      "On Leprechauns...Project Lucky Leprechaun was a smashing success! The kids had so much fun and so did the adults. My son's class is tiny-6 children with differing abilities. They work twice as hard for skills that many of us take for granted. Each of these beautiful children have their own challenges and even way more awesomeness. It was an honor to be able to sit down with them-avoiding ELA for an afternoon-and do something for fun, engaging and out of the ordinary. I precut every piece for them to make assembling less of a struggle and I had to go over each step several times. There was a lot of glue wiping and do-overs, but the results were perfect. There were four adults in the classroom being present and enjoying this special afternoon. We talked about the St. Patrick's Day parade, corned beef and cabbage, glitter, bus routes, and swimming pools. We debated whether or not Leprechauns really need beards:)
If you get the chance to enter your child's classroom-take it. Always. These are the moments that create lasting memories for kids, parents and teachers. This is what life and kidhood is all about. Leprechauns and kid conversation on an ordinary Thursday afternoon~ lucky, indeed. ♥"

What I did not expect, and what has me bawling now, is the sweetness I just found in my son's backpack: 6 of the most charming thank you notes I have ever read. My heart is happy and etched with an experience and afternoon I will never forget. A thank you note from the kids was totally unnecessary, but for some reason I am cherishing them. I also know how much work it must have been for the kids to write them and how they were practicing a social skill. That touches my heart even more.

Kidhood is so short and beautiful. Be present. 

Wishing you the love + luck of the Irish. Always.


pugs love comments. and glitter:)