Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On My Radar: Dazzling High Chair Decorations

Welcome to a shiny new series on my blog called "On my Radar." Basically, I will be featuring stuff and ideas that I think are devastatingly hip and happening:)

It's all in the presentation. I adore original and well thought out parties-down to the very last tiniest detail.

Charming and clever details never go unnoticed by true party lovas:)

Nothing is more adorable and polished than a beautifully decorated high chair for a little one's birthday. Perfect finishing touch that is often overlooked, but makes a world of difference.
Now...some serious cuteness...

 Way beyond charming. Made with love.

Ridiculously adorable. Times two.
{via Toni~ CPN}

So fabulous & French. Dreamy.
{via Chickabug}

Clever, simple, and seriously cute!

Fun & Festive

Sweet & seriously swoon worthy.
Poms and ribbon add so much charm.

High chair disguised as an
airplane. Nothing cuter.


  1. Officially dying over the airplane one!

  2. Thanks girl!
    Here's a link to an airplane I created for my son to sit it on his birthday!

  3. High chair decor is how it all begins!!! :) Can't wait for future "On My Radar's"

  4. Super cute ideas, Kristy! Love them all!

    Thanks for including my lil sis's project!

  5. Love the new series, super cute!

  6. Fab!! : ) I love the vintage high chair - it's so sweet.

  7. OMG! Those tutu high chairs are too cute for words!!

  8. Seriously cute stuff! The vintage photo with poms and satin bows is calling my name ; )


pugs love comments. and glitter:)