Anyhoo, we were in Carvel, my lads eating their treats and in walks a group of three tween-ish type kids. Two boys and one girl. I am secretly hoping they don't get loud and obnoxious with my little guys in there. The boys went up to the counter and were going over the prices and how much money they had. They were kind of dirty, dirty hands, fingernails, clothing and hair and they looked like skater type punks. As do most kids these days...They kept asking the cashier how much for a small, or for a medium, then how much for the small again..They asked if there was a price difference between cones and cups. They asked if they could split the scoops for different flavors in a two scoop. As I listened to them, I realized they were just sweet, dorky tweens...They finally took out the money from their pockets and all they had was loose change. No bills at all...All change. The young girl kept saying she did not want anything. I do not think they had enough money for all three of them and she knew the boys set their coins out and finally were able to make their decisions. The first boy ordered his and slid over all the change across the counter to pay. He gave his change to his friend..Boy number two figured out what he could afford to buy with the change that was left..He placed his order..Then he asked quickly if sprinkles cost extra..They his friend gave him another two quarters to get ready to pay. I just found them charming and sweet at this point and I was sorry I pinned them as punks when they walked in.. Two obviously poor kids scraping up money to buy ice cream was just endearing to me. Such a fun kid thing to do.They were adorable. The lady behind the counter handed boy number two his cone and then rang him up. He slides his coins over to her and she hands him back his change which was 20 cents.
And you know what this beautiful child did? He put the 20 cents in the tip jar. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I know, total tool, but I was just taken so off guard by this boy's heart when clearly he has so very little.
I wish I knew him or his parents because I would tell them about their child's small act of kindness. I wish that kid the moon and stars.

Awwww, how sweet!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a touching story, sometimes people can really surprise us!
ReplyDeleteI'm a big dork too, cause I'm tearing up right now! Awww. A little rough around the edges, but all around good kids!
ReplyDeleteThat made me cry! I hope and pray that my children will be that generous!
ReplyDeleteBeyond sweet!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! And it made me tear up just reading it.
ReplyDeleteI'm a tool because I teared up reading that...
So sweet! :) Ahhhh
ReplyDeleteI just joined the 'tear train' sweet!
ReplyDeleteDidn't know where you were going with this.
ReplyDeleteHappy and sweet ending:)
Love this little scoop of your day.
How sweet! Got teary eyed myself, I love to hear stories like this.
ReplyDeletePut me on that dork list, you totally just made me cry!
ReplyDeletePut me there with Jill. What a sweet child. Thank you for sharing! <3 <3