Monday, January 3, 2011

Sit on it. Kicking off 2011 with the Fabulous Fonz. 75/365 {Jillian, Catch My Party}

Happy New Year. First crush of the year. The mother of all party chicks.

The Fabulous Fonz. 75/365: Jillian, Catch My Party

Jillian is the party chick that features parties of all the other party chicks:) Her stellar site, Catch My Party, is THE PLACE to catch every party out there. Party Mamas, Party Professionals and everyone in between is welcome to upload their parties and deets to this unbelievably fabulous resource. Jillian has had an amazing year skyrocketing into the premier resource for real parties. Her site provides serious inspiration. One of my fave things about Jillian is she actually loves parties. She really looks at each and every party picture. She also blogs about party tips, trends, tutes and themes. She is engaging, involved, supportive and I. adore. her. She is clever, charming and creative. And cool...Very cool. Fonz Cool. Crushing hard.


Fascinating Jillian trivia:)

• favorite color? Green, but not just any green. Celedon green -- the light gray-green color. It calms me down and has less calories than chocolate.

• favorite team? "Team Leslie" because that's what we jokingly call our family.

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Chocolate, but again those calories...

• party trend you are crushing on? Vintage sodas, paper garlands, mini cake bunting, mixing old with new.

• party trend you are so over? When everything is "matchy-matchy."

• favorite aisle in the craft store? Definitely the paints and not just because of the smell.

• do you wear Uggs? Yes, am I dated? Here are the ones I wear. They're not boots!

• do you really exercise? I do at least one spin class and one yoga class a week.

• minivan or non minivan driving? SUV baby! It says: "I could go off-roading any time I want to." (Though I don't like driving in the rain.)

• favorite holiday? Birthdays! I love that it's your own special day and you don't have to share it!

• favorite smell? My daughter, right behind her neck.

• do you color your hair? Highlights, and in desperate need of some.

• do you think you’re cool? Not to brag, but in my little part of Santa Monica, people call me "The Fonz."


  1. How appropriate to start the year off with a ROCK STAR! Love jillian - she is THE sweetest chick ev-aaa! =)

  2. Jillian is my crush of the year. She's the definition of a supportive party girl!

  3. eeeeeeeh. thumbs UP!! love her!!

  4. Aw, thanks for featuring me, Kristy, and for all the sweet comments. Love you guys right back!

  5. Love Jillian! Her website and blog are the best : ) Great crush!

  6. Hey Fonz!! :)

    Loved getting to know you better and finding out we have a lot in common, especially the chocolate and children smells! :D


  7. Jillian is a legend. Great feature Kristy:)

  8. Love Jillian and she has the "got to" site for parties!!

  9. Jillian is awesome!!!!! She is so supportive and shares everyone parties...... She is so nice!


  10. love it, Jillian is very cool!! I did not know that she lived so close to me--I live in Southern Cal too!! xo

  11. Catch My Party is one of the best places to go for inspiration! Love this crush!

  12. What a great way to start the new year and get motivated to plan more parties to be featured @ Catch My Party! Love it!


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