Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Positively Perfect Party & Crafty Chick Crush, 77/365 {Tiffany, Tiff Creative Outlet}

Welcome to the Wild Wednesday Edition of the Pug Crush.

Positively Perfect Party & Crafty Girl Crush, 77/365: Tiffany, Tiff Creative Outlet, Positively Perfect

Tiffany is ridiculously talented. She is creative and definitely a party loving girl. And..she is way crafty..way. She is always trying new things and techniques. I love hands on and handmade girls! From her bio-she loves scrapbook paper, but doesn't know what to do with it all..LOL! My twin:)  Tiffany also designs unique and adorable partyware. She is an amazing party stylist. She is sunny and sweet. Totally crushing on Tiff:)


Fascinating Tiffany Trivia:)

• favorite color? I guess it depends, to wear~brown/black, to decorate in~red, to create with~most but I tend to lean toward lime, teal, pink, and orange. Oh and if it's in polka dots it's absolutely my favorite.

• favorite team? Edward (so not a sports fan~sorry)

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? I don't know if I could choose just one, can it be a food group? How about grains, but then I'd also need dairy for a cream sauce.

• party trend you are crushing on? Anything seasonal, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas ~ all of it!

• party trend you are so over? Anything butterfly, honestly butterflies creep me out.

• favorite aisle in the craft store? I have two favorites, the paper aisle and the baking aisle (obsessed with cupcake papers and the new cake tattoo's)

• do you wear Uggs? Nope never owned a pair. I hate to have my feet hot. I try not to wear shoes unless absolutely necessary.

• do you really exercise? I really look at my treadmill and really think I should.

• minivan or non minivan driving? I actually love my minivan.

• favorite holiday? All end of the year holiday's

• favorite smell? spiced cider, mmmmmmmm

• do you color your hair? for as long as I can remember. Although I've switched from blonde to brunette.

• do you think you’re cool? I did until I realized I loved my minivan.

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