Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hip & Happening Sunday Morning Crush. Feeling great with 88 {Kim, The Hip Hostess}

Welcome to the Super Sunday edition of the crush-also known as-the day the Jets beat down the Steelers.

Crushing on a seriously hip hostess. 88: Kim, The Hip Hostess

Kim is half of the dynamic duo behind The Hip Hostess. Sweet Southern party loving ladies that offer dazzling event planning. They focus on spectacular children's events. Kim is sweet, friendly and creative. She styles original and extraordinary events. She is crafty and a DIY party girl. Their blog is a mix of ideas and inspirations for the art of entertaining. Totally crushing on the other hippest hostess in town:) These party chicks rock the South.


Fascinating Kim trivia:)

• favorite color? Black

• favorite team? My daughters' soccer team! Go blue!

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cheese

• party trend you are crushing on? I'm not certain it's a "trend" right now but, I'm crushing over the vintage, shabby chic style lately

• party trend you are so over? Candy bars! I love them and they always add a lot to each event but I'm just ready to come up with something different!

• favorite aisle in the craft store? Clearance! the seasonal items are always good for inspiration too!

• do you wear Uggs? No

• do you really exercise? I wish! But I do think about it really hard sometimes! Lol

• minivan or non minivan driving? Non minivan

• favorite holiday? Christmas!

• favorite smell? Horses; it reminds me of being a child

• do you color your hair? Never

• do you think you’re cool? Depends on the day? But...yes :)

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