Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday Edition Pug Crush 17/365 {Wendy, Whimsy & Wise Events}

Wednesday starts with "W" and so does "Wendy," "Whimsy," and "Wise." Come on, you know that's Way cool:)

Crush 17/365: Wendy, Whimsy and Wise Events

"It's your party....plan it wisely!" Clever. Wendy is an extremely talented event planner. She coordinates and plans phenomenal parties and weddings. She is working on 4 weddings from now until the end of the year! Busy chick. Detail chick too- which I love. She also creates amazing custom party decor. She's sweet and funny too. Oh, and girlfriend just won the coveted 2010 OC Best Lifestyle & Design Blog:) Totally crushing.


Fascinating Facts about Wendy:

  1) favorite color? I must admit I don't really have a favorite color, but currently I'm decorating my son's room, which he'll be sharing with Baby#2. As a result, I've been swooning over the green and brown color combo.

2) favorite team?  The UCLA Bruins, all the way!!! I don't really love professional sports, but I LOVE NCAA sports and since I went to school at UCLA, they're my favorite! U-C-L-A, fight, fight, FIGHT!!!

3) if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Hands down, Japanese food is my favorite food!! I could have it for every meal right now that I'm pregnant. Yes, EVERY meal! And it's not just a pregnancy thing. I love it all the time! I love me some sushi!

4)  party trend you are crushing on? Loving the cake bunting I've been seeing lately! So adorable! And I'm also digging the mini donuts that have been replacing cupcakes on dessert tables across the land.

5)  party trend you are so over? I don't mean to get all "June Cleaver" on you girls, but there's nothing I'm hating about parties at the moment. I love the fact that the creativity amongst all you party girls is just spectacular. Keep the creative juices flowing ladies! I love it all!!!

6) favorite aisle in the craft store? Because I like to make custom banners and toppers and things, my favorite aisle at the craft store is the Scrapbook paper aisle. Love me some pretty paper!!
7)  do you wear Uggs? Yes, despite the fact that my husband calls them UGG-lies, I do wear Uggs. I love mine! They're just so comfy.

8) do you really exercise?  I do NOT exercise regularly. I do have a membership that I've had since high school, but I rarely use it. Why, you ask?! I have a 2 year old boy. 'Nuff said!

9)  minivan or non minivan driving? Non-minivan driver. I just can't bring myself to make the switch......yet.

10) favorite holiday?  Christmas!!

11) favorite smell?  Vanilla, cookie dough baking, and Aquolina's perfume called "Pink Sugar" (sold at Sephora).

12) do you color your hair?  I do color my hair, but only because I don't like my jet black natural color, so I switch it up with chocolate and some highlights. It will soon be out of necessity....I recently found 3 different gray hairs. It's only time before they invade the rest of my hair.

13)  do you think you’re cool?  At the risk of sounding like a snob.....I KNOW I'm cool! :)

**Thanks for letting be a part of your 365 days of nice, Kristy!! You're all kinds of awesome!!**


  1. I'm your newest follower! I came over from Whimsy & Wise Events. I love your blog, so glad I found ya : )


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