Saturday, November 27, 2010

Super Stamping Saturday Crush 41/365 {Kristin, Stampin' Fanatic}

Crushing on different Kristins two days in a row. Holla! Today, 41/365, a rubber stamping lova:)

Pug Crush 41/365: Kristin, Stampin' Fanatic

I love the look of handstamped everything, but cannot seem to stamp without having the rectangular border of the stamp show up on my work. Perhaps I put too much ink, or press too hard...whatever it is..stamps and I are not besties. I stand in awe of Kristin and her stamping masterpieces. She describes herself as a "crazed stamper." L.O.L. She is ridiculously talented in stamping cards and gifts. Her works are beautiful and one-of-a-kind. She also creates adorable partyware. She is supportive and sweet.  I crush hard on the crazed, talented rubber stamping chick. She rocks. And stamps:)



Fascinating Kristin trivia:)

· favorite color? much so that my kitchen is orange from head to toe ;)

· favorite team? Detroit Red Wings... I'm from Hockeytown, what can I say?!

· if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Mexican. YUM.

· party trend you are crushing on? Bumblee Bees & Pom Poms... I started planning my daughters 2nd birthday about 2 months after her first! ;)

· party trend you are so over? Kiddie characters... Dora, Elmo, etc. I love them, they just aren't my style for a party!

· favorite aisle in the craft store? Stamps! ;)

· do you wear Uggs? No. I wish I could afford some! Haha.

· do you really exercise? Heck no. Not even gonna lie.

· minivan or non minivan driving? No minivan. Never ever. Ever.

· favorite holiday? Valentine's Day!

· favorite smell? Fresh cut grass

· do you color your hair? Oh yes. I have to hide the grays somehow ;)

· do you think you’re cool? Nah. I'm just a chick who does what she loves. :)


  1. Adorable!! (Except this Blues fan has to give a little "booooo" to your Red Wings comment...but it's all in fun!)

  2. another great crush...
    Think of the 'portfolio' you are putting together for all of us!??! Can't even put a $$ on it!

  3. Awwww, thanks SO much Kristy!!

    Words cannot express how much it means to me to be your Pug Crush! :)

    And, you may be rocking your stamps if you're getting a line ;)

    You're the best, your mission in niceness is really amazing! :)

  4. Kristin is too sweet, I'd love to join you in crushing on her!

    And since I'm a hockey girl too... born and raised a Pens fan... I'm not at all phased by her Red Wings support. They need all the support they can get NAH NAH NAH NAH BOO BOO!!! ; )

  5. Aww, thanks Jill. But BOO on you being a Pens fan :P

    And same goes for that Blues comment up there!! ;)

    You guys just don't know where it's AT!

    Ps. I HAVE to love the Wings- my MIL has worked for them since hubby was a wee one ;)

  6. Another Super Kool Chic! Go Red Wings!

    Glittery Pug has 324 to go!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)