Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pug Crush 6/365 {The Party Muse}

Welcome to the weekend edition of the Pug Crush Experiment in Nice. Crush today 6/365.

This weekend I will be featuring Jersey Girls:) The creative and talented kind.

Crush of the day: Khaliah, The Party Muse

I met Khaliah a few months back and I am in love with her. She is insanely talented, extremely sweet, a smartie and she says OMG at almost everything:) Adorable and genuine. She is also supportive and kind to all of her party peeps. She recently opened up an etsy shop and she will be taking the party world by storm. Creative partyware designer, extraordinary event planner and a funny & sunny personality. Total crush.


Khaliah Triva:

• favorite color? Pink...any pink but especially hot pink

• favorite team? The one with the best colors :)

• if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza with thin crunchy crust

• party trend you are crushing on? Hard to pick one but I really love using inside furniture outside.  Dressers, armoires, and drawers to hold goodies is so creative and looks great!

• party trend you are so over? Big elaborate expensive parties without any creative over!

• favorite aisle in the craft store? I could spend hours in the paper aisle looking at all the paper and card stock.  I love paper :)

• do you wear Uggs? I'm pretty frugal so I've never had Uggs...I may get some knock-offs this season

• do you really exercise? Definitely NOT...I dabble, lol

• minivan or non minivan driving? Non-mini van for now but I do luv them and hope to have one

• favorite holiday? Thanksgiving

• favorite smell? Bacon

• do you color your hair? No

• do you think you’re cool? Yea, the coolest : )

I love this idea Kristy, thanks for including me!



  1. Bacon! I love it Khaliah, you rock! Khaliah is the best, thanks so much for doing the awesome giveaway with me :) Keep up the great work!

  2. I'm loving the behind-the-scenes peek at these ladies, Kristy! This is awesome! Khaliah, nice to "meet" you! I'm heading over to check out your site right now! :)

  3. I didn't know you're a jersey girl Khaliah! I'm from PA... but I'll forgive you ; ) LOL!

  4. OMG! Yeah you are the coolest Khaliah!!

  5. Favorite Smell--Bacon. BEST. ANSWER. EVER.

  6. OMG, yes, Khaliah is awesome! I've had the best time getting to know her recently and love all her creative party ideas! Such fun to learn a little more about some of her favorite things...I like the "inside furniture outside" idea too! :) Khaliah is truly a SWEET party gal!

  7. I have been working with Khaliah for over a year now and she is a total sweetheart! I love your blog and all of its purple pug goodness :)

  8. OMG you guys are so very extra awesome! LOL - Just noticed I said, OMG, oh well - that's me :) Jill, I so wish you were at Bloggy Boot Camp in philly this year, I would have loved to have met you! You're still close enough though so we'll have to make it a point to do something together :) I can't thank you guys enough for all the wonderful compliment, I feel like I'm queen for the day. Thanks so much Puggy!!!

  9. Had to get my daily Pug-Crush-Fix! Totally Kool Chic!

    Go Kristy! 359 to go!

  10. Thanks for crushing on Khaliah! I fell in love with her stuff the instant I surfed into her! Hearing about her wonderfulness and her "likes" makes me love her even more! (Besides which... she has a great name!!!)


pugs love comments. and glitter:)