Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the wednesday trifecta of love....

I'm thinking today might just be the most exciting Wednesday of my year....It's a fabulous featurepalooza:)

First, my "how to make a dessert pedestal" tutorial is being featured on Catch My Party. This is my very first tutorial and I am thrilled to share:) You know I love Catch My Party. Upload your parties there for people to steal your ideas admire your creativity & talent:) It is so much fun! Thanks Jillian!

Second, the Cereal Bar party is featured on the super cool, clever & creative blog, the celebration shoppe. If you are not following Kim's blog, you should be. She is inspiring & original and I adore her work:) Thanks Kim!

Third, the Cereal Bar party is featured on Craft Gossip as well...You can see that fabulous feature here. Thanks Craft Gossip Guru:)

And fourth, yes, I know I said TRIfecta, but I could not think of anything witty for FOUR mentions:) I wanted to give a shout out to Frogs, Bees & Under the Seas for featuring the Cereal Bar on their shiny, new blog. One of the creators of this new blog is Daphne, of Moo Moo's and Tutus. This awesome new blog venture features easy and beautiful ideas for teachers as well as every day parties & events. It will also be a showcase for her and her besties' new event planning business. You should follow them too. They ROCK! Thanks for the love ladies:)

Well, that's all the news for this hour...Stay tuned:)


  1. congrats for all the luv you got today! totally deserved!

    hugs! Kim @ Frost Me!


pugs love comments. and glitter:)