Friday, August 20, 2010

mama mia! mini pizza box favors...

I am doing a total reorganization of my pigpen studio, and stumbled upon these little boxes of adorableness! I designed these mini pizza favor boxes several years ago. I used to offer these for sale in my shop-thinking I may add them back into the repertoire:) I created these sweet boxes for pizza parties, bowling parties, Chuck E. Cheese parties and even TMNT parties. I even added little pieces of parchment paper inside to "keep it real." LOL!


  1. Where did you find the boxes (originally)? I have been looking for something like that for a favor for a party I am throwing. What size are they?


  2. Hi Kendra...
    Instawares...they are about 7x7...

  3. they are so cute!! I was going to ask where you got them too :)

  4. these are a great idea! I have a friend having a Chuck E. Cheese party and these would have been perfect!

  5. so fun! (even though they have no glitter ;o) ... love the "6 years in business"!

    hugs! Kim @
    party inspiration


pugs love comments. and glitter:)