And, yes, I do know the button is not beyond fab..maybe someone will take pity on my lack of web button making skills and make me a jazzy one...Olive you foreva:)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
by popular demand...stuff i am working on...
And, yes, I do know the button is not beyond fab..maybe someone will take pity on my lack of web button making skills and make me a jazzy one...Olive you foreva:)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
griffin's monster jam dirtfest
Here are some pics of his invitation and wraparound address labels. Stay tuned..All the dirty deets coming soon....
Thursday, April 22, 2010
supa grova is ova...and my absolute favorite party decoration...
The Super Grover Rave was such a special event for so many reasons. I had so much fun thinking of unique and extraordinary ideas to incorporate into this little shindig.
It is no secret that I love anything handmade. It is an amazing feeling to be able to make such beautiful things out of paper, yarn, glitter and every day materials. I live for that challenge.
Super Grover was the perfect theme for my son's 5th Birthday. First, my son adores him. Second, Super Grover is a hero, but not perfect-he's a regular guy with super abilities (or so he believes) which is a beautiful message in itself for all kids and adults alike. Third, no one ever chooses him to design a party around-Elmo gets all the love... Lastly, he has the letter "G" on his chest, which is also my son's initial, so that sealed the deal..LOL!
Super Grover's costume was made for him by his Mommy and he believed he turned Superhero when wearing it. His cape was tied on with a piece of thick yarn. I tried to use yarn elements wherever possible and I think it was adorable. I also made my first attempts at real pom pom making...It was not that difficult, but it was quite messy...Who knew?
Super Grover is also usually shown flying in the clouds, so I thought clouds would be a natural complement to the overall decor...There is nothing more fun and meaningful to me than to work on handmade partyware for my own children. I also tried to make this party spectacular for the little guests attending. These guests were just too cute and I hope they loved every minute. Designing the overall party was a challenge in itself because it all had to be done indoors. NY in April is rarely warm outside, so indoors was the way it had to be. I also had to decorate and coordinate the main floor, the entire basement and other key areas throughout the house. Would have been way easier to just do a jazzy dessert table and call it a day, but I am a party mama through and through and love to make things way complicated and challenging:)
I did have a few mishaps and Super Grover Wrecks (I am big CakeWrecks blog fan, and the running joke with me and my sister is- when something we attempt goes wrong, we add "wreck" to the end to indicate it is a screw-up. ie:cupcake wreck, banner wreck, meatball wreck, cape wreck, get the gist) ....Point is...I'm only human and it does not matter how many lists I write out-stuff happens...and, really, what's a party without a few key items being forgotten to take out of the fridge?! Or a few prizes being forgotten to be dished out..Or a cloud falling on someone's head? Okay, the last one did not really happen, but it totally COULD have....
If anyone would like details on how I made something or where I bought any items, just let me know. I can also post tutorials or more details if anyone has any interest. I love to help out fellow party Mamas...
I do have to thank and I mean seriously THANK my sister, and unbelievable artist, Joie. She was my angel that flew in from Florida to help me with this rave and there is no way I could have had such a fabulous event without her. She created those beautiful clouds above the dessert buffet, the mask project and of course the Super Grover Canvases. Each child even had their own initial on the chest in the painting. A-MAZ-ING. So special that she could be there and help me out in so many ways...We planned many a fabulous idea over roast beef, provolone on wheat bread with a little mayo-Love you sissy:)
I did design, create and handcraft so much of these unique elements-I really did put a lot of thought, effort and love into my son's birthday celebration.
I would like to share with you the most special & meaningful party element--that truly touched my heart and soul. In the middle of all the pre-party preparation, running around, setting up, overall insanity-my older son, who is 6, came to me and said "I need to show you something Mommy." I kind of brushed him off, but he insisted he had to show me something important that he made for his brother's party. In the middle of all of my picture perfect, strategically set up party decor, my son had made a picture for his brother's party. To help me decorate. It is a picture of Super Grover, his helmet, cape, clouds all around and Gavin. He secured it on the wall with Post It notes, in the middle of the main party room. I have never seen a more beautiful & selfless piece of artwork in my life. Beyond Proud. I am one very lucky girl....
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Party Begins...Super Grover guests come ready to rock!
In case you missed the party set-up can take peeks here-- Part one, part two, part three.
Here is a little of the party play by play. If anyone wants to know how I made something or where I bought anything, just let me know!
Once the guests arrived, they assembled in the front living room and were given crayons and Super Grover coloring pages to start the festivities. That kind of killed time for all the guests to arrive and for the food to finish cooking.
The food was up next. Menu included dinosaur chicken nuggets, which were placed into the little paper baskets. Smiley fries, which were put into the handmade french fry boxes. Those were beyond adorable and that idea was planted in my party psycho brain by the lovely Kim, of the Frost Me bloggy. They were fun to make and I will definitely do them again. I also offered fresh apples in the shopping cart. I was surprised how many kids actually took them and ate them..LOL! I first saw the adorable bucket of apples idea on the fabulous Candace's blog, Candy and Cake. I also had ketchup in little serving cups. Super Gavin adores ketchup! Napkins and forks wrapped with a piece of yarn of course. White Grape Grover juice boxes in a little red wagon served as the kiddie signature drink.
The kids stood in the little lunch line, like perfect ladies and gentlemen, and got their food, drinks, utensils and of course ketchup in little cups:) It was adorable and they all loved it. They looked so grown up, ready for kindergarten and a real school lunch line:) I contemplated wearing a hairnet, but don't think many would have gotten it..LOL!
After lunch, some of the kids wanted to go outside. This was not on the timeline we had meticulously planned out, but, what the hay? It was the super kid's birthday and he wanted to brave the cold and go out-alrighty then...It was cold, but they went on the jungle gym and trampoline and ran around a bit...
The adults ate lunch in the other room at their leisure....some went outside...The men played basketball and I am sure they will all be sore for the rest of this week...Totally LOL!
When it was time to come in, we had the kids all line up behind Gavin in front of the door leading to the basement..The kids had zero idea what was down there or what was in store....I had them all chanting "We want Grover. We want Grover!" it was a wild melee...
Door opened and kids went down to see the magically transformed basement. One half was an art studio, the other half game centers and a disco...
The kids took their places at the art table and were instructed to decorate a super hero mask. They used markers & glittery stickers. Each child was also give a felt cape to run around in...
Once the masks were complete, the kids came with their mask and cape to the photo station. I used a cloud backdrop, an empty picture frame and had printed out each child's name to have their pictures taken. I initially wanted to use a Polaroid camera, but the film is non-existent and to track it down on ebay- hard and way expensive...So digital pics it was! The photos were so sweet and the kids just loved it!
Next up was pin the nose on Grover...All went well, the wild party atmosphere...I totally forgot to give out the prizes to the winners...LOL! Shhhhhh.....
Next, I set out a large blanket and the kids sat in a circle and played Hot Grover (like hot potato) with a Grover Beanie Baby....
Now it was time for the main event...the Super Grover canvas painting..Kids all came back to the table and were given instruction by the artist known as Joie (like the boy's name, but a girl). Joie gave the kids instructions and they kids were on their way to make their little masterpieces....
I then went back upstairs and set up the ice cream buffet for the kids (same space as the lunch line). My mom and mother in law set up the adult desserts and coffee in the adult area.
I also set out the party hats and the rest of the party favors.
The kids finished up the art and came back up stairs to sing happy birthday and have dessert. I set Super Gavin on a small table with his cupcake (meant to put it on a dish, but, you know how it goes in the chaos of the actual party!) He sat at this little table with his party hat on, surrounded by his besties and family and looked like the happiest kid in the world. He felt so much love.
We sang to him, the kids made their ice cream sundaes and were over the moon! They played a little more and then they all started getting ready to leave..Gavin thanked his guests, gave out party favors and hugs. Each guest took one last picture on the front porch with their artwork.
Whirlwind of fun, love and excitement. One more post to go...the summary post...LOL!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Art - Super Grover Style, setup part three
I transformed my basement into the activity center for the kids. We started them with superhero mask making. I also made a simple felt cape for each child, babies included! I created a photo area and it was cuter beyond my imagination:) We also played pin the nose on Grover, Hot Super Grover (instead of hot potato), then we went on to the main art painting activity. Then, the lights went out, and the dancing began....quite the rave for one in the afternoon....
Visit previous posts featuring setup part one, and part two....Stay tuned for the party in action!